New churches and churches planting churches all need resources as they grow. provides products, services, and support for churches and organizations to help plant and grow new churches.
The type of church leader visiting this site is searching for content and tools for church growth and planting. Advertising through ChurchPlants is a great way to connect with this niche audience of influencers in the church.
Email Subscribers: 8,000
Monthly Visits: 40,000
Monthly Visitors: 34,000
Monthly Pageviews: 53,000
Audience Personas
Phil is in his early forties, married, and active in preaching at his church. One day he wants to be part of a new church plant and reads everything he can about church planting, growth, outreach, and leadership. His church has grown in the past ten years and he stays connected with what is going on in the church leadership and church planting networks.
Phil especially loves movies and books; he usually always recommends the ones he likes to his congregation. When he finds church planting or leadership resources from, he will usually take the time check it out and is very likely to recommend the resource to his church.
Patricia is around 37 years old. She is married and cares about her kids and her family. Patricia is active in her church and is passionate about the health of the church and its impact.
She has gone to college and invests time in growing in leadership. She enjoys reading books by Ed Stetzer, Francis Chan, Carey Nieuwhof, and more. She loves finding resources on outreach, the sanctity of life, family ministry, and church growth.
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