eNewsletters – Material Specs

Great choice to include native eNewsletter ads in your campaign! We love positioning your brand as a relevant resource to our readers. Here are some great articles to help you make the most out of the opportunity: how to craft your message for what readers actually want, using simple language, and these tips to help you avoid cognitive overload.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we are here to help!


Enewsletter Sponsorship Ads

  1. Company logo (with transparent background)
  2. 50 word blurb
  3. A short headline (for the blurb)
  4. Landing page url

Details & Examples

Native Newsletter Ads

Company logo .png file with transparent background
A short headline A good rule of thumb is around 7 words or less
50 word blurb This is where you can provide a short pitch about what you can do for your readers. See here and here for some great tips on how to craft your message.

Company Logo
Must have transparent background
File type:  .png

A Short Headline
Approximately 7 words or less

50 Word Blurb
This is where you can provide a short pitch about what you can do for your readers. See here and here for some great tips on how to craft your message.

We take your copy and logo and craft native ads designed to drive traffic from our engaged newsletter readers. See the examples below to get an idea of what the finished product will look like.

Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4

Email your materials to webads@outreachmediagroup.com or use the online form below.

Submit Your Materials