What Advertisers Can Learn from the Halo Effect

Nearly a century ago, a team of psychologists led by Edward Thorndike discovered that when military officers evaluated soldiers on a variety of qualities, one rating would always affect the others. If a soldier was rated high for their physical appearance, they were also perceived as smarter, better leaders, and [...]


4 Tips for Effective Holiday Partner Emails

Most people don’t go into the holiday season knowing exactly what they’re going to buy. But they do plan to spend money. A lot of it. In 2017, the average US consumer expected to spend more than $900. And they’re more generous during this time of year, too. Where that [...]


Why You Should Think Carefully About Where You Advertise

You have an overwhelming number of advertising options. So how do you ensure that you’re connecting with the best possible audience in the best possible ways? Today’s digital advertising heavily emphasizes the power of data—which is important, because it helps you connect with the right people and produce the most [...]
