4 Ways to Get the Right Traffic

A good sales funnel runs like a well-oiled machine. Leads go in, and customers come out. At the top of your funnel (TOFU), eye-catching content makes people aware of your brand. Mid-funnel (MOFU), your lead nurture campaigns help your audience develop a relationship with you and see your brand as [...]


Why Leads Don’t Behave Like Customers

Imagine you matched with someone on an online dating site, and their first message to you said, “Will you marry me?” Ridiculous, right? But many brands do this to their website visitors and new leads all the time. They make a sales pitch before their audience gets to know their [...]


What Is a Sales Funnel?

The sales funnel is an abstract concept marketers and sales teams use to explain the process of turning your leads into customers. It’s represented as a “funnel” because as your audience moves beyond awareness of your brand and closer to conversion, the number of people you’re talking to gets smaller. [...]


How to Follow-Up with Your New Leads

When you create an advertising campaign, it’s easy to focus on the parts that generate leads: the ad itself, your landing page, forms, etc. But creating leads is only half the battle. If you want your leads to actually convert and move down your marketing funnel or sales pipeline, you [...]


4 Tips for Effective Holiday Partner Emails

Most people don’t go into the holiday season knowing exactly what they’re going to buy. But they do plan to spend money. A lot of it. In 2017, the average US consumer expected to spend more than $900. And they’re more generous during this time of year, too. Where that [...]


Stop Scaring Away Customers

Making a good sales pitch isn’t just about having the right message. It takes good timing, too.  If you send a hard-sell email when your leads aren’t ready, it’s like picking an apple while it’s still just a blossom. Even though they might fall into the right demographics and they [...]
